We cordially invite you to the Gaia-X Workshop on “Standardization in Data Economy” on January 26, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:30 AM, in collaboration with the Standardization Council 4.0 (SCI4.0). Please register for participation in this event.
The purpose of the workshop is to engage in a discussion on the relevance of technical standards in the Gaia-X/data space domain and to develop concrete approaches for establishing corresponding standards in individual funding projects. We welcome additional inputs from your consortia on the already established agenda, especially if the topic has been discussed in your project recently, if solutions have been developed, or if there is a need for clarification on the approach. Of course, you can also directly contribute your points to the discussion. If you plan a brief input, please feel free to contact us, and we will allocate an appropriate slot.
- Welcome and contextualization of the topic in the current phase of the funding competition (acatech)
- Input presentation from SCI 4.0, including the following questions (30 minutes):
- How do technical standards emerge in early innovation phases, and what benefits do they bring to various stakeholders?
- What is the relevance of technical standards in the field of data economy?
- How can the process of standards development be positively influenced early on by individual actors?
- What standards could specifically arise from Gaia-X and other data space initiatives?
- What support services and best practices can actors leverage?
- What steps are crucial for my project to transfer developed insights and project results into a standardization process?
- Q&A and discussion (30 minutes)
- Input presentation from the Marispace-X project: Standardization in the field of maritime geodata (10 minutes)
- Potentially additional inputs from other funding projects and the development of individual approaches for standardization initiatives