Welcome to the Gaia-X Hub Austria!
Accelerating European Data Ecosystems for economic, ecological and societal value creation.
The goal of the Gaia-X project is to enable organisations, companies and users to process and share data efficiently and economically, while retaining control over this data. This will create a framework that does justice to fundamental European values and provides a fair chance to participate in the digital market worldwide.
The competition for dominance in the cloud infrastructure business may be lost for Europe, but the cards are just being shuffled for the data business.
The advantages of Gaia-X
Identity & trust
Identity & trust
Gaia-X enables interoperability at European level and promotes trust between different providers, users and other stakeholders.
Federated catalogue
Federated catalogue
Gaia-X offers the opportunity to work with certified providers in a transparent digital ecosystem.
Gaia-X guarantees compliance with European laws and regulations.
Sovereign data exchange
Sovereign data exchange
Gaia-X enables the preservation of data sovereignty in Europe and creates opportunities for new innovations based on European values.
With digitalisation advancing ever faster in all areas of life, the prosperity of our and future generations will be significantly influenced by the success or failure in the area of data-based business models. Therefore, organisations of all kinds will develop new and innovative digital business models.
The Gaia-X project provides a model that is fair and open to all, on the basis of which any organisation can exchange data or build data business models. Organisations that rely on the Gaia-X framework should be able to trust that they retain control/dominion over their data. This can reduce both the dependencies on individual international cloud providers and the individual effort required to set up data exchange systems.
Austria’s innovative commercial and industrial enterprises, which today succeed through outstanding technological capabilities, can increasingly create value through data business models. And public administration organisations as well as those from the economic sectors of security, education, transport or healthcare will be enabled by appropriate measures to catch up with innovative data exchange models at an early stage.