About us


Operative implementation of the Hub requires resources for the coordination office respectively for initial setup as well as a committed and accepted Management Board and Advisory Board. The financial resources for the Gaia-X Hub Austria are provided by the Federal Chancellerry Republic of Austria (BKA) and the Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) on the basis of a financial plan drawn up by the Management Board.

The Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) was selected as legal entity and central coordination point for concluding legal transactions and memberships as well as employing staff for the Gaia-X Hub Austria.

A Management Board with six members (Chair, Vice-Chair) as well as six deputies was elected as the central operative body of the Gaia-X Hub Austria. This board steers the working groups. The board members receive no financial compensation for their activities.

The Management Board will be supported by an Advisory Board. Organizations like the Austrian Ministry of Finance (BMF), the Austrian Federal Chancellery, the BMK, the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), the Industry Association for Consultancy, Bookkeeping, and IT (UBIT), the Kompetenzzentrum Sicheres Österreich (KSÖ), the Data Intelligence Offensive (DIO), the Chamber of Labour (AK), and the AIT delegate representatives (chair and members) to the Advisory Board.

The Management Board will compile quarterly reports on the application of funds, activities, and progress for the responsible department heads at the funding ministries. The first such report was submitted on 1 June 2022.

The Management Board is tasked with launching the Gaia-X Hub Austria as well as defining and compiling its statutes and all further necessary framework conditions (e.g. vision, processes, documentation, organization, operation, management of finances, compliance, and communication), sharing them with the members, and implementing them.