f.l.t.r.: Roland Sommer, Michael Fälbl, Tobias Höllwarth, Mario Drobics, Florian Tursky, Helmut Leopold, Gerald Steiner, Annette Trawnicek, Christian Tauber
On 15 November 2022, the Management Board of the Gaia-X Hub Austria met with State Secretary Florian Tursky to coordinate the next development steps of the Hub in the context of the central Gaia-X initiative. On behalf of the Gaia-X Hub Austria, Helmut Leopold, Chairman of the Hub, presented the activities and priorities to date. In the first months after the founding of the Hub, the focus of activities was on the strategic positioning of the Hub and the dissemination of information about the concepts and potentials of Gaia-X and data-driven business models. In doing so, the Hub aims to take a pioneering position in the Central and Eastern European region.
Building on the results of the European Gaia-X initiative, the focus in the coming months will increasingly be on strategic and technical support for concrete implementation projects. Helmut Leopold emphasised the central role played by reference projects in the various domains such as Industry 4.0, energy and tourism. Austrian pilot projects, e.g. in the area of production, are already achieving tangible results today. As a prerequisite for the technical implementation of GAIA-X Federations, the timely establishment of a GAIA-X Digital Clearing House (GXDCH) in Austria is currently being actively promoted by the Hub in coordination with the GAIA-X AISBL.
The Gaia-X Hub Austria plays a central role in mediating and coordinating the various initiatives at Austrian and European level, thereby strengthening the position of the Austrian economy in international competition.

Pictures: © Medwed People